Everything vs. Nothing

By comparing everything (Existence) with nothing, we uncover valuable insights. These are absolute opposites: whatever is true of one, its negation applies to the other. For instance, Existence exists, while nothing does not.

Previously, I argued that Logic doesn’t apply to nothing because it applies to everything. While this is partially true, the deeper issue lies in the nature of nothing as the antithesis of Existence. Since our understanding, language, and Logic are grounded in Existence, they cannot fully grasp or describe its opposite.

This limitation arises because we, as entities within Existence, are inherently structured to understand existence. Our tools—language and reason—were developed to describe Existence and cannot adequately address its direct opposite. Attempting to use these tools to define nothing leads inevitably to paradoxes and negative self-references.

Does this mean we can know nothing about nothing? Not entirely. While we cannot directly describe nothing, we can infer its nature through negation. Anything true for everything is false for nothing. For example, in terms of Existence, nothing does not exist.